SM Analytics

Tinder Privacy Policy

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Photo taken from: Photo

Privacy concerns are one of the social media user’s top concerns. Knowing that a company can keep your information private and safe can be reassuring. I know most of you who happen to read this blog may skip past the Privacy Policy that the many apps have on their application settings list. Sometimes I skip on reading them and the only way I will sadly hear about privacy concerns from a certain app is through the news or users who talk about their concerns with the apps. Some people tend to download apps that you upload information on and ignore the Privacy Policy, like me at times. I am here to make you well aware of privacy issues on social media. I will specifically look into Tinder and explain some of their Private Policy statements. 

If you are not familiar with the Tinder app it is a dating app that is fairly new to the online dating scene. With the swipe to the right, you may end up matching with a potential person that sparks your interest. And, you never know, you just might be calling this person “bae” as they call it these days. Tinder uses Facebook to log into Tinder as this is called a third-party app login. Tinder states “your privacy is a top priority” on its Privacy Policy page and that they “do not compromise with your privacy”. This app constantly updates its security practices. 

Some of the information they collect on an individual is the information they give to Tinder. This includes the date of birth and gender of the user. It also collects information from the individual that shares additional information like personality, lifestyle, details about the person, videos, and photos. The person had consented to the use of this by Tinder if they were to upload the info in their profile. Tinder has a section where you can pay for a subscription in which they now have your credit or debit card information. One that surprised me was they also collect conversations with people on the dating app so, I suggest being careful with what you say. Information can come from other users you are in contact with on the app if someone were to contact Tinder about that person.

Other information they tend to collect is how and when you use Tinder like what time you logged on, searches and much more. Tinder can also get information on the device you use to access the app such as the IP address. I honestly didn’t know they tracked this much information. To use Tinder, you must actually use the geolocation to see people close to you so, with consent they collect information on your location. Tinder may also use cookies that track you for authenticating your profile, sending ads, and allowing you to use the social feature. 

So, you might be wondering why they use this information and how they use it. Well, the simple main reason Tinder gave was “to deliver and improve our services”. Tinder also says “we use your info to help keep you safe and to provide you with advertising that may be of interest to you.” Tinder says it shares your information with other users to create meaningful connections but they also share your information “with service providers and partners who assist us [them] in operating the services, with other Match Group companies and, in some cases, legal authorities.” What is your take on this? 

If you’d like to delete your account Tinder retains your information for as long as they need it for business purposes. The retention is three months after you delete the account or after two years of not being active on the account. This raises an eyebrow for me and not sure about you. 

Tinder can create some bonds with others you have met on the site. Some of their Privacy Policies are a bit skeptical as to how long they retain your information for and where they send the information to. What do you think about this? To read more on Tinder’s Privacy Policy please click here.

SM Analytics

Finding Influencers From Mentionmapp


In my Analytics course, I was asked to use the tool and website, Mention Mapp. This tool lets Twitter users see real social engagement and also see connections and conversations. What I was told was to investigate a hashtag or a brand and see if I can find any useful information from the data given. I was also asked to see if I can find any influencers from the data given and if I were to consider doing business with them.

I wanted to start off with a medium sized company by the name of Shea Moisture. I tend to use their products a lot on my natural hair and I tend to love all of the products they come out with. The reason I did a smaller company is that a lot of big-name brand companies like Nike and Converse have a lot of influencers already in their market like Serena Williams and many other sports players. Shea Moisture is just expanding from the few years it has been out and used by lots of their consumers and new customers.

I have never used this application tool before so I wanted to understand how it worked. The lines that connect with the brand in the middle, Shea Moisture, are mentions and number of mentions from the connected profile and top 5 profiles that have mentioned the brand. The lines connecting to the first top 5 people also have connected lines to their top 5 users mentioning them. The diagram of connections kind of works like LinkedIn where you have 1st, 2nd, and 3rd connections to a profile.

Researching more into the diagram of @SheaMoisture I will say I cannot find any influencers that stand out. This is because looking at the mentions people were tweeting Shea Moisture with questions, concerns, dislikes, and either positive messages to the company. I thought this would kind of show people who talk about the brand the most overall. If this was the case I can find a lot of good useful information. It is not enough information to find an influencer I can do business with due to the different emotional mentions directed towards the company via Tweets.


So, I thought of a better way to uncover potential influencers for this company. I decided to look up the hashtag #sheamoisture in hopes of finding at least one influencer. To my surprise I did! In the second image above, you can see the hashtag in the middle. There is one influencer I found with the Twitter handle Just Tiki B. She tends to tweet at Shea Moisture and share their products on her Twitter page. She also has over 2,000 followers which would be a great influencer for the company. She would most likely be an influencer for this company due to her passion for the products, numbers followers, and mentioned Tweets about the product.

There is also another hashtag I quickly looked into that Shea Moisture uses which is, #shealove. One of the top 5 profiles that mention this hashtag along with the Shea Moisture brand is another company by the name of Shea Radiance. This is a smaller company but with this information from the data given there can be a potential business collaboration between the two companies who both promote healthy hair with shea butter.

Mention Mapp is a great tool to look at engagements, connections, and conversations but you can also find influencers if you research the brand or hashtag.